Thursday, August 11, 2005


I found a pair of gems today,
Warm and hazel they were.
Set in a crown of gold and bronze
Shadowed by its own dark lustre.

I found a pair of gems today,
Through glass and linen they glowed.
One ray found a way to dance
And tickled a pearl black as crow.

I found a pair of gems today,
Behind steel and wood they were wrapped.
But a fire reflected in their depths
Of time, of stories so well kept.

A pair of gems found me today,
Among the smoke and lights.
Though their feet were quick to prance
A touch lingered and burned all so slight.

I found pair of gems today,
Warm and hazel they were.
Together with their crown of gold and bronze,
An art to haunt for sure.


I'm loosing this fight. A man should never have to be made to choose the way I had to choose. And the choices are still awaiting a champion -- one I fear I may have to be again.


This week is absolutely nuts. Quoting Penthesilea: "yeah... too many things... too little time".

And this gets better with an 8 am lecture tomorrow on Philosophy. Just how perfect can the timing be? I swear, if timing was a module, Life is trying its utmost to help me fail it. Sheesh...


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