Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Each heart bears a beat
From the moment of creation
To the inevitable retreat
Each beat is a step, a vision

Have you ever felt your heart
Become full, restless and alive
You were sure you could fly
You'd give anything a try

Have you ever felt that same heart
Grow desperate, quiet and old
Dark beyond the coming night
Wishing somehow, that you could be bold

Some days our hearts do falter
Though they try to keep the peace
The flutter of little wonders
Help the wounds feel more at ease

Oh for hours days and weeks we go
Buzzing like there's nothing wrong
Looking but not seeing this
A hint we've avoided all along

Our hearts have always been one
And two does not make it more
There were no halves to speak of
And love never kept any scores

When the world and words are done
And we return to ourselves again
It's how close we have come back to one
And helped others to become the same

One is not a lonely or special number
We all have one heart and one soul
We start from one and have to lose
Just so that we can become whole

So touch your heart gently today
And understand that from creation
To our eventual retirement
The truthful beat has been constant

Feel and remember that each heart
Has once been full, ready and alive
From one we've come, and to return
Each beat is a hope, a ticket to life