Saturday, July 23, 2005


Ah.... The long awaited sequel. YIN was supposed to be lighter of this duo-entry. But it never made its was beyond the drawing boards after the birth of YANG. Looks like this space could only accomodate one whine at a time.

Anyway, I finally sat down for my first movie in... what... 6 months? First there was World War 3 in my backyard, then there was Vesak Day, and Exams, Thailand, work, camps and ah, yes, the ICT. Holy shit... has it already be 6 months? I swear, I should be thrown into jail for this excuse-of-a-lifestyle I lead.

Fantastic Four was the title. Popcorn-ed Floor was my own drama. The show was quite good, actually; a pretty good print-to-screen of the famous Marvel Comic series. I wonder when they'll do a version of the othe Marvel superheroes, like Iron Man and Captain America. Well, not that I'm a huge fan, but I guess it'd just be interesting.

Now, about the popsorn-ed floor... There was this interesting World of Warcraft popcorn-and-drink snack pack that I was encouraged to acquire before the movie. Okok... they were nice people, anyway. Haven't had popcorn in months! This time, I was determined to chew away the entire movie, at the risk of annoying my neighbours -- I didn't care, I was going to get my salty-and-sweets. All over you if I have to. And then, just after the first 6 minutes of the movie, I did the most wonderful act of sharing my popcorn with the goddam floor. So there I was enjoying what I could of my third of sweet-and-salty, while rocking and rolling to the wonderful irk of popcorn in my footwear. !@%!@#%*^*

Well, considering this as my first weekend out after a 2-week ICT, peppered with the ever-disastrous job at the Airport... It was pretty good.

Don't bother me, You... I've had enough of your bombs... For now.

In-Camp-Training was rather enjoyable, actually. Well, at least I had expected much worse. My guys got on with me and everyone else surprisingly well. And I must say that I was quite surprised that this ICT turned out (for the better, of course) to be more a gathering of friends and memories, than a mandatory state-issued-paperwork-or-jail duty. I enjoyed myself more during these two weeks with my gruby soldiers than during my year of service with the active unit. It just feels different, as if we're all more relaxed about regulations and decided to ease up on the formalities. Perhaps we had finally reached and understanding.

Gonna drop the dot here for now... When I've got a lil more strength, time and humour, I'll fill up on the rest of the details for ICT. Gotta go catch a laugh... Humour is in short supply these days, especially with certain people.

Anyway... I'm still wondering if I should whoop the arse of this dude who crossed me for about a year. I'm generally fine with people taking things on their own terms -- heck, my brother is a perfect example, but he just comes across as irresponsible at times. And when the dude finally pulled the plug on his appointment.... well, I don't know. He DID help us out a bit for our main event. Quite a bit, if I do say... But I guess it's sufficient to say that it should have been expected of any responsible individual to see to the fulfilment of his agreement, in spite of changes.


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