Sunday, July 31, 2005


I've done it. I've gotten myself hooked on another song -- Poison by Groove Coverage. Heck, their other songs are just as catchy, Moonlight Shadow, She and In The End. The piano ballad remixes just seem to bring out the flavour of the vocals more, enhancing her strength while smoothening her edgy accent.


Pinot Noir, please.
That was good wine.
That was strong wine.
That was good strong wine.

And we laughed. We've been like this for a while now, haven't we? Always into these rich, temporary indulgences; always unforgiving about the lingering memories of details that seem to last forever? Our poetry, if I may call it that, probably flows most readily through our habit of paraphrasing. I paraphrase to find a more appropriate description as well as savour the original. What do you parphrase for? For that matter, why do we converse? Especially when we both understand (and know so well) that so much can be said without the weighty committment of words.


This must be the best 30th of July I've ever had. Not only did I manage to (finally) get that wine-and-cheese outing, I got to discover several interesting aspects of several people. While I might have been focused on "self-discovery" at one point of my life, this era is just all about "re-discovery".

I was happy last night. I am happy now.


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