Friday, August 18, 2006

We Are One

A year ago, there were a puzzle of activities that paved the way from me to you.

In the lonely darkness of a room, your digital salvation whispered a tune of home while you dreamt, unknown of the poetic eye that fed upon this magic. And yet, when you awoke, a space beside and a space within you had opened up for me. Afraid that I was too monstrous for your kindness, I crept up beside you; your trusting nature whisper a tune -- a tune that sounded so much like home.

In the electrical storm and unheard thunder of a many gathered youthful hearts, you held my hand and stole my breath. Twice. And my heart still hungers for that moment when we lingered upon our racing heartbeats -- at the eye of the storm. Every touch of your ivory hands, every twitch of your purposeful instruments, still sends a little current through my weathered heart.

Welcome to my world. Won't you come on in.

As time flew, so we grew -- together and discovered a chemistry that books were written on. So sure were we, that nothing could be more lovely, or simply more worthy. All the times in the past that you were so undeservingly wronged, I had offered and threatened to put it right. So blind was my heroism, because your approving giggles always made me feel justified.

It's not much different now; now that we are one year happier. One year more learned about the other person and ourself. Perhaps this is how we will finally become the other half. Old theories and chatter have made it a cliche, but since nothing would be a cliche when it's happening to you... I'd wait for that moment. Again, our bond is still what some books are made out of -- perhaps more of the self-help type these days ; )

Romance? Yup, it's still there. I still wanna spoil you, in spite of my better judgement. I still rhyme for you. Each day, I still choose to love you. You still shower me with your acceptance and care. You still look at me with a cheerful (anymore-and-you-would-be-staring) intensity.

Trust? A fragile seed within each of us. Now it's truely begun to grow. Only now, we just need to give it time and a nuturing environment.

A year. A step forward, together.
A year happier.
A year wiser.
A year more fearful to loose what we have.

A beginning, to many greater things.

Meet you at the next stop, baby ; ) Happy Anniversary.


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