Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Music: How She Still Moves Me

When dusty souls
That have oft wandered
And turned every corner
In search of worthy wonder

Driven by hunger
Pursued by yearning
Hearts that refused quiet
To feel the fire burning

But alas the night oft falls
In a silent guilty hush
To leave no gold or silver
After the blur of day's rush

Let not your ears and heart
Lay down their arms
To give in or up in the silence
Against all that may come

There shall be one
A magic though small
It would still move
Each heart she calls

Listen! To all the things
She is trying to say
Let the music in your soul
And she won't be far away

Let each beat urge your heart
Each note dance for you
Each crescendo bring you close
And feel her warmth bring you home

Music, oh how she still moves
In mysterious ways
To sing along and away
These nights into days

Come take me away
Please take me away
Through the nights and days
Please tell me you'll stay

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