Monday, October 17, 2005

Anna and Mister God

I've found Anna again.

Her familiar scent warmed my nose and teased my senses.

Her woven jacket was familiar to the touch; as I cradled her pint-sized body in my hands, I remember the days when I opened myself up to the stories that she brought me. And the smiles, the inappropriate giggles, and my enlivened imagination.

Anna brought a part of me to life.

Anna reminded me of something precious. Something very close to me.

Anna reminded me of what it was to be swept away, to be inspired.

Anna showed me what it was to hold my attention and to warm a heart, more than just warm a hand or a seat.

It had been weeks since I last saw Anna. And now, I know what I was missing.

Because Anna reminded me so much, so much of you.


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