Friday, July 28, 2006

More Than Words

I will be twenty-four years old soon. This year, there's an extra reason to celebrate; everyday.

We will be a year happier soon. This time, it's the beginning of a new chapter in our lives.

You've made me so very happy today, with everything simple again. You've also allowed me to learn more about you, and believed that we could communicate and work things out. On hind sight, it seemed like all we really needed was time. Time to do what we wanted, time to be with ourselves and time to want to be with each other. You needed time to explore your interests and your new-found personality. I needed time to understand how to better manage my emotions and expectations. Our various commitments did teach us some a thing or two, but it also made the moments we shared today all the more precious. Those moments were so much more intense and quirky than what it used to be.

I love you. I love us. We'll get there, together.


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