Monday, April 10, 2006


There's nothing quite as inspiring as a motivated, dedicated, caring, joking and loving all-nighter furrball. Well, except for the fact that this SupperFurrBall is someone to call mine.

For several hours I lay squirming, tossing and turning in her yellow and blue salad bowl, dressed in an evolving pain that was fast becoming my undoing. Stomach flu. I thought it was just retribution for some of the terrible things I had done the day before when I wasn't in such a good mood. Karma.

Speaking of Karma... That poor toilet bowl downstairs has suffered immensely under me (literally). It's my favourite, cos it's just next to the toilet entrance, and for some reason, I don't ususally pay him a visit until my bowel state it becomes a matter of national security. After being stuck in a half-meditative 'thinker' trance perched on its ledge last night at 2 am, I whispered my thanks to my porcelain provider and wished I didn't need to be so reckless with the passing of such heroes in my life.

SuperFurrBall's sidekick put a kick in the flu for me with a little aluminium container of bitter-tasting brown powder. I believe it was called Xing Jun Shan. In my state last night, it could have been called Phuc Dhat Bic for all I cared -- I would have eaten its contents nonetheless in my desperate attempt to stop the ache. To make matters worse, my pain-fest was coupled by a fever. Mild stuff... but still nonetheless annoying.

At 4 am, I had to run another bombing raid downstairs. SuperFurrBall was still up working on a 20 paged supervillain. Boy, that was a tough fight... Not to mention the fact that SuperFurrBall was dealt a severe under-the-belt (monthly) blow by mother nature just yesterday. Things just don't work out like they do in the movies anymore... Seeing my superhero pull another all-nighter, it brings to mind a familiar question. It was presented to me before my Furrball was converted to SuperFurrBall by the threat of impending academic disaster. How do you get by with so little sleep? Heck, I'd like to know that now... Better yet, I'd like to know how you just changed into SuperFurrBall over the weekend!

It was 9.45 am when I was finally released from the monsters in my stomach. SuperFurrBall wasn't done with her fight just yet. The villain had one last fight left, in spite of having been defeated word-for-word through its 20 paged challenge. All my mere mortal hands could do was offer some worldly comforts and hugs for a battle-weary superhero. She was no stranger to struggle and strife, but that didn't stop her from continuing to fight hard. More than that, she had multi-tasked her responsibilites by helping me to overcome my own struggle. I was still a little shaken up from my ordeal, but nonetheless impressed by my superhero. Seems like multi-tasking isn't just an acquired skill; my SuperFurrBall proved to me that multi-tasking is simply a matter of heart and commitment.

Ah, superheros. They exist!


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