Wednesday, November 16, 2016


I wanted to hurt you
Just to know that we mattered
That I mattered
That we were worth something
Though you were always worth more
More than you were
More than I should
More than we knew how to deal

I wanted to hurt you
Because it would hurt me too
And I'd have something
To be sorry about
Even if it was my fault
Especially if it was my fault
And you were right
And so was I, just differently

I wanted to hurt you
And I did - I left, I closed
The only windows I opened
For you, for me
For what I hoped we could be
For who I wanted you to be
So plainly, so simply,  yet unfairly
I played my part, and paid my part

I wanted to hurt you
Not anymore, not now
Not when you're far away
And I'm on this one-way street
Mending a way by each streetlight
Slowly no longer mad, and desperate
Your ghosts have no more echoes 

And mine no longer alone in the shadows

Masks (Haiku)

Put on masks that smile
Lament the lover we chose
Scared to be alone

Made up minds to try
Struggle against tides inside
Unsure, unfair - life

Take off masks that cry
Let the sun and wind creep in
Forget, for a while